Casino Night 2022 Tickets
Sponsorships and Tickets
Jackpot Sponsor, $10,000.00 - includes signage on all materials, Full page - premium ad in program journal, 20 tickets to the event and special hosted dinner at Alexandria House for you and your guests
High Roller Sponsor, $5,000.00 - includes signage at table, Full page ad in program journal and 10 tickets to the event
Royal Flush Sponsor, $3,500 - includes signage at table, Full page ad in program journal and 8 tickets to the event
Ace of Spades Sponsor, $2,500.00 - includes signage at table, 1/2 page ad in program journal and 6 tickets to the event
Card Shark Sponsor, $1,000.00 - includes signage at table, 1/4 page ad in program journal and 4 tickets to the event
Table Sponsor, $500 - includes signage at table, 1/8 page ad in program journal and 2 tickets to the event
Individual Ticket, $95.00 - includes $50 in gaming chips and 1 drink ticket
For more information on tickets, sponsorships and program ads please contact Pam Hope at [email protected].